Come see David Staub and Barbara Kemp of Assure911, and Brian Knueppel of ACME Packet at IPSTA this week. On Monday October 21, 1:30 PM, they will be speaking about Next Generation 9-1-1 Texting, Secure Video calls, and Network Management, in the “Plaza A” room. Demonstrations are planned and you can participate with the Assure911® Demo App.
An updated FREE APP for the Android platform is being made available to accompany Next Generation 9-1-1 Secure Text and Video calling demonstrations that are being given at The 28th Annual Illinois Public Safety Telecommunications Conference
October 21st – 24th, 2012, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Springfield, Illinois.
The and Acme Packet product teams are working together to highlight an important advancement in emergency communications made possible by NENA’s development of a set of standards for Next Generation 9-1-1.
The demonstrations will exhibit the ability to not only route text messages to the appropriate 9-1-1 call taker based on the caller’s geographic location, but also the ability of one of the NG9-1-1 functional elements (FEs), the Border Control Function (BCF), to monitor for important recurring themes in the body of the messages and alert the proper authorities. The cases of a campus bomb scare and a tornado sighting are to be demonstrated. The SMS messages are to be exchanged between an app on an Android-based smart-phone and an NG9-1-1 call taker. The position of the originator is obtained using the embedded GPS capability of their device. The BCF logs the event to the Assure911® Network Monitoring platform which in turn alerts a set of mobile devices in the audience, representing the smart-phones of NG9-1-1 system managers.
Demo Architecture Diagram

Complete instructions for the app are available here.
If you are attending the conference look for Assure911’s Barbara Kemp or Acme Packet’s Brian Knueppel for more information